House Republican Policy Committee
Public hearing on "Relief is Possible: Combatting the Crisis of Cost".
Public hearing on "Relief is Possible: Combatting the Crisis of Cost".
House Republicans, led by Chairman Josh Kail, and Martin Causer, convened a press conference to express uncertainty concerning Pennsylvania’s electricity grid.
The PA House Republican Committee held a hearing at the state Capitol to discuss significant uncertainty facing Pennsylvania’s electricity grid.
Public hearing on "Pathways to Prosperity: Igniting Growth Through Pro-Family Policies". Rep. Thomas Kutz joined forces with the House Republican Policy Committee to host a hearing about advancing policies that are pro-business, pro-jobs and pro-families.
Public hearing on "A State Lost in Addiction: Pennsylvania's Path to Recovery".
Passport to Prosperity.
Uncovering Human Trafficking
Bureaucracy’s Battle Against Fracking.
Public hearing on "The Costs & Benefits of Doing Business in Pennsylvania".
Public hearing on "Protecting Victims: Solutions to Combat Stalking"
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