Energize PA Legislative Initiative

Pro-Growth, Pro-Jobs
Creating jobs and redeveloping infrastructure with no new fees or taxes

HB1100: To attract large manufacturers to Pennsylvania, industries using PA methane in production will receive a tax credit. (Kaufer)

HB1101: Increases the Net Operating Loss deduction cap to encourage businesses to invest in growth and technology. (Mihalek)

HB1102: Generates and retains family-sustaining jobs and encourages capital investment in Pennsylvania’s natural gas and manufacturing industries by creating 20 Keystone Energy Enhancement Zones whereby businesses will be eligible for state and local tax exemptions and credits for 10 years. (Kail)

HB1103: Makes low-cost gas energy available to residents, manufacturers and pad-ready sites by expanding the PIPE program. (Fritz)

HB1104: Creates a registry of abandoned manufacturing sites that will list all available properties for development, demonstrating that PA is open for business and wants new industry. (Toohil)

HB1105: Encourages brownfields cleanup and redevelopment by creating a streamlined permit process. (Nelson)

HB1106: Streamlines the approval of environmental permits and plans so that industries can get down to business without bureaucratic delays. (Puskaric)

HB1107: Creates an independent commission to deal solely with the DEP permit process. (O’Neal)

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