Kail Invites Residents to His Concealed Carry Seminar

April 24, 2019

CENTER TWP – Residents of the 15th District wishing to learn more about their Second Amendment rights and Pennsylvania’s firearms laws are encouraged to attend the Concealed Carry Seminar hosted by state Rep. Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) on Thursday, May 9, from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Potter Township Municipal Building, 206 Mowry Road, Monaca.

“This is a great opportunity for all residents to learn more about their gun rights,” Kail said. “The speakers who will lead this important discussion have a wealth of knowledge about the Commonwealth’s concealed carry laws. I encourage all permit holders and prospective permit holders to attend.”

Beaver County Sheriff Tony Guy and District Attorney David Lozier will discuss Pennsylvania’s concealed carry laws and answer questions from the audience.

Space is limited and registration is required to attend this event. Interested individuals should RSVP online at RepKail.com or by calling Kail’s district office at 724-728-7655.

Representative Joshua Kail
15th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
RepKail.com / Facebook.com/RepKail

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