Kail Invites Residents to April Legislative Breakfasts

April 3, 2019

CENTER TWP – In his efforts to meet with constituents and understand their concerns, Rep. Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) is hosting three legislative breakfast meetings for residents of the 15th Legislative District during the month of April.

“These meetings provide an opportunity for me to get to know residents and listen to what they have to say about the issues impacting our communities and legislation we are working on in Harrisburg,” said Kail.
Kail’s legislative breakfast schedule is as follows:

Donuts and Discussion- Thursday, April 11, from 8-9:30 a.m. at Claysville Borough Building, 117 Main St., Claysville.
Kolaches with Kail- Thursday, April 18, from 8-9:30 a.m. at Beaver Borough Building, 469 Third St., Beaver.
Donuts and Discussion- Friday, April 26, from 8-9:30 a.m. at Amwell Municipal Building, 885 Amity Ridge Road, Amity.
RSVPs are welcome but not required to attend. Interested residents can RSVP online at RepKail.com or by calling his office at 724-728-7655.

More information about Kail’s scheduled outreach events can be found at RepKail.com, Facebook.com/RepKail or by calling his district office at 724-728-7655.

Representative Joshua Kail
15th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
RepKail.com / Facebook.com/RepKail

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