Kail Bill to Strengthen Penalties for Driving Without Proper Endorsement

March 12, 2019

Freshman legislator’s first bill passes House
HARRISBURG – The House of Representatives Monday unanimously approved legislation, sponsored by Rep. Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), which would improve public safety by strengthening penalties for operating a motorcycle without the proper endorsement or license.

House Bill 384 would increase the fine for driving a vehicle without the proper endorsement for that type of vehicle to $200 plus fees and surcharges, making it equal to driving without an operator’s license.

In Pennsylvania, the fine for driving without a license is $200 plus fees and surcharges. Meanwhile, the standard fine for operation of a vehicle without the proper endorsement is only $25 plus fees and surcharges.

Kail noted that while this violation is more common with operators of motorcycles, it also happens with other motor vehicles, such as tractor trailers.

“Without an adequate deterrent in place, Pennsylvania has experienced large numbers of riders operating motorcycles and other vehicles without the proper license,” Kail said. “This practice poses a danger to both the driver and other motorists and pedestrians.”
According to data from the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, there were 1,002 convictions for violations relating to classes of licenses in 2017.

House Bill 384 is the first piece of legislation introduced and passed by the House for the freshman legislator. It now awaits consideration by the Senate.

“The safety of our roads is an important issue for all Pennsylvanians,” Kail said. “Bringing this penalty more in line with the seriousness of the violation is a commonsense step we can take to improve public safety.”

Representative Joshua Kail
15th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
RepKail.com / Facebook.com/RepKail

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