Kail Responds to Governor’s Budget Address

February 5, 2019

Freshman lawmaker offers thoughts on state budget priorities
HARRISBURG – Following the governor’s budget address, Rep. Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) outlined his priorities for the 2019-20 fiscal year in the statement below:

“As I take part in the state budget process for the first time as a freshman, I am focused on protecting economic development and taxpayers of the 15th District from unnecessary government growth and taxes. After hearing the governor’s budget address today, I believe there are some shared goals we can focus on to get a final budget across the finish line.

“We have a lot of new economic development opportunities in western Pennsylvania, so we need to be smart about what we’re doing in Harrisburg. A lot of what the governor has been talking about outside of the budget address – a natural gas severance tax, minimum wage hike, billions in spending and borrowing – could put those opportunities at risk and cost taxpayers a lot of money. As we move forward this session, I want to ensure we are doing everything we can with the state budget and beyond to leverage economic growth and encourage manufacturing opportunities up and down the river.”

For more information about Kail’s legislative priorities, visit RepKail.com, or Facebook.com/RepKail.

Representative Joshua Kail
15th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
RepKail.com / Facebook.com/RepKail

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