Kail’s District Offices Open to Serve Constituents
December 14, 2018
New legislator maintaining Christiana’s office locations
CENTER TWP – Promising to provide the high-quality services that the residents of the 15th Legislative District have come to expect, Rep.-elect Joshua Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) today announced that he will maintain former Rep. Jim Christiana’s office locations in Center Township, Beaver County, and Independence Township, Washington County.
“The people of the 15th District can expect a smooth transition and continuity in high-quality customer service,” Kail said. “I wanted to keep these locations, as they are easily accessible and familiar to all residents of the district.”
Kail’s Beaver County office is located at 3968 Broadhead Road, Suite 9, Monaca, in Center Township. It will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents can contact his Beaver County office by telephone at 724-728-7655.
Kail’s Washington County office is located in the Independence Township Municipal Building, at 34 Campbell St. in Avella. The office is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Residents can contact the Washington County office by phone at 724-587-3095.
“I am equally excited to announce my district staff with whom many residents of the 15th are familiar: Monica Babir will continue to serve the needs of our Beaver County residents and Karen Warnock will be serving residents in our Washington County office. These two terrific ladies worked with Rep. Christiana, and I know they will continue to work hard for the 15th District residents.”
Services available at the office include:
• Status reports on legislation.
• Assistance with issues with state government agencies.
• Copies of PA House and Senate bills and state laws.
• Applications for PA birth and death certificates.
• Forwarding PennDOT motor vehicle registrations, driver’s licenses and learner’s permits renewals, disability plate/placards.
• Pennsylvania child abuse history clearance applications.
• Pennsylvania criminal history applications.
• Assistance in completing Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program applications.
• Pennsylvania tax forms.
• Informational brochures and forms.
• Absentee ballot applications and voter registration forms.
Constituents are also encouraged to visit RepKail.com and Facebook.com/RepKail for the latest district information and state government updates.
Representative-Elect Joshua Kail
15th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
RepKail.com / Facebook.com/RepKail
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