Do Not Get Fooled by Shapiro’s Fiscal Phishing Scam, House Republican Leaders Say

February 6, 2024

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Republican leaders responded to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal Tuesday by stating the plan is akin to a fiscal phishing scam that looks good and sounds good but is wrought with hidden danger and potential ruin.

“After listening intently and with an open mind to what Gov. Shapiro has been talking about over the last several weeks, what he presented to lawmakers last night, and what he delivered in front of Pennsylvanians today, I cannot help but think this year’s budget proposal is much like a phishing scam. It looks good, it draws you in, and it makes you believe it is something it is not,” said House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster).

“If Pennsylvanians want to buy into this budget proposal, they will be buying into higher taxes, stagnant ideas, and good intentions balanced with irresponsible decisions. Contrary to what you may be led to believe, thanks to years of fiscally responsible leadership by Republicans, we remain on sound financial footing. Our problems can be managed by new thinking. They do not need to be managed by the new and future tax increases and the fiscal irresponsibility that will result from this budget proposal.”

House Republican Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) said the governor’s budget proposal will put Pennsylvania on the path to fiscal failure.

“Gov. Shapiro’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget proposal is unaffordable, irresponsible and misleading,” Grove said.

“This budget will bankrupt Pennsylvania’s future and lead to tax hikes within the next four years. Shapiro’s proposal includes spending more than $2.5 billion on initiatives identified in his budget as creating new or expanding current government programs. Pennsylvanians deserve a government that lives within its means by keeping spending below income like families throughout this Commonwealth do every day. I urge the governor to come to his senses and work with House Republicans on a responsible budget.”

House Republican Whip Tim O’Neal (R-Washington) noted in stark terms the negative financial path Shapiro’s budget would lead Pennsylvania down.

“This proposal will have Democrats spending the state’s surplus, draining the Rainy Day Fund, and finally increasing taxes on families across Pennsylvania,” he said. “This is nothing but a tax-and-spend agenda that brings California politics to Pennsylvania. Gov. Newsome and Joe Biden would be proud.”

House Republican Policy Chairman Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) said based on his work in holding hearings across the state, the budget proposal presented by Shapiro does not provide what the people of Pennsylvania are looking for.

“Over the past year, I have read hundreds of press releases, thousands of social media posts. While he has plenty of words – including plenty of curse words – the governor has no clothes. It is all talk, no action,” Kail said. “And this budget proposal is a continuation of borrowing political capital on the backs of working Pennsylvanians.”

Member Media Contacts:
• Rep. Seth Grove: Charlie O’Neill –
• Rep. Tim O’Neal: Tracy Polovick –
• Rep. Josh Kail: Nancy Nilson –

Republican Leader Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jason Gottesman
717-512-0620 /

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